Reddiquette| If something is unclear or we need to refine areas, please reach out to the mod team. Rules page updated July 26th, 2019 – Added section to reduce #threadjacking and provocation of users

If something is unclear or we need to refine areas, please reach out to the mod team. Rules page updated July 26th, 2019 – Added section to reduce threadjacking and provocation of users

Rule 1 – For Daily Discussion or r/TeslaLounge

Submissions which are not allowed (and usually Low Quality). You may share it in the r/TeslaLounge or in our daily discussion threads. Some examples of posts which we consider lower quality are:

  • Short Road Trip Reports
  • Vehicle or Supercharger Sightings/Photos (including ICEing)
  • Personal Experiences (Considered on a case-by-case basis)
  • Screenshots of the Vehicle Screen or Tesla App (Unless they are demonstrating a new feature)
  • Orders/Deliveries/Delivery Photos/Delivery Tracking/Delivery Info
  • Isolated Questions (with little substance)
  • Rebate & Refund Information
  • Vanity Plates
  • Toys/Apparel/Gifts/Baked Goods
  • Vlog videos which do not provide significant information (which may also include referrals)
  • Minor vehicle problems, damage, or accidents (too many subscribers to support all)
  • Sentry Mode / TeslaCam Video Captures (unless they demonstrate a new software feature)
  • Other places for this content: /r/Superchargers/r/TeslaPorn/r/TeslaModel3/r/TeslaLounge

Items which would be removed before, but are now allowed if we feel the post is unique and mods feel are Higher Quality. If left alone by mods, will be subject to user voting/reporting:

  • In Depth Reviews/RoadTrip Reports
  • Unusual Custom Vehicle Photos
  • Wallpaper Quality Shots
  • Meme/Funny Content
  • Widespread Serious Vehicle Issues / Recall Information

Rule 1 Caveats:

  • Basic questions which do not benefit a large audience which have received a proper response will be removed to reduce clutter as necessary
  • Meme/Funny content: If the Mods don’t think it’s really f*cking funny, post at your own risk (u/majesticjg)
  • High Quality Only content: If this becomes overwhelming, we will remove excess based on apparent popularity or volume at the time
  • If the post can be considered “beneficial” to a large number of people, it will be allowed

Rule 2 – Relation to Tesla

  • Posts must have a relation to Tesla Inc.
  • Posts which are not directly related must have relation in the form of a question, comparison or company link. i.e. /r/BoringCompany/r/SpaceX/r/ElectricVehicles
  • Posts about Elon Musk (without a strong Tesla relation) belong in /r/ElonMusk
  • If another company or product relates to Tesla but it is a stretch, make a text post explaining the connection, what you’d like to discuss, and include a link to the article in the post. 300 Character Minimum.
  • Investor Related? See Rule 4 + Exceptions

Rule 3 – No Duplicates or Reposts

We remove duplicate posts based on the time submitted. If it does not have new information or a user has posted something similar recently (and can be found with searching) it will be removed. Given our recent experiment and poll, duplicates of similar articles will stay. This does not mean more duplicate personal content is allowed.

Search these first:

Rule 4 – Inappropriate Content

We follow strict Reddiquette.

  • Be Nice. That means no trolling, instigating, name-calling or suggestive violence.
  • No Politics.
  • No editorialized titles. If you want to comment on the post, do it in the comments, not in the title.
  • No Unauthorized Promotion of Content, Subs, or Referrals.
  • Must give proper credit where due + provide source links in a parent comment
  • No posting intentional misinformation or altered headlines
  • No unsafe self-recorded videos (use a mount!)
  • Investor Discussion (see exceptions below), see /r/TeslaInvestorsClub
  • No threadjacking or provoking to get a rise out of someone

Rule Caveats or Exceptions

It can sometimes be confusing when some posts apparently break rules and remain. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • Sometimes we will temporarily allow posts which have urgency tied to them so it can be answered by the community in a timely manner.
  • Sometimes Mods are not sitting on the sub 100% of the time and we may not see posts for a little while. During this time the community votes can increase enough and discussion will build within a post. When this happens, we will tend to simply allow those posts since it’s what the community voted on and clearly people want to talk about it.
  • Our version of high or low quality may differ in your opinion, in these cases if a post remains, we will let voting and reporting control what the community sees.

Investor Related: We are limiting investor posts to official Tesla communications or actions if noted in an official report. We will host Quarterly Earnings and Annual Shareholder Meetings Megathreads. For any other posts related to $TSLA stock or investors, see /r/TeslaInvestorsClub. Only officially noted actions will be allowed if noted in an official report.

Some exceptions may be made at moderator’s discretion on a case-by-case basis. We feel at times certain knowledge or information may be welcomed or is important for the community despite it breaking a specific rule. For these posts, we will try to provide a sticky comment as to why an exception was made.

Karma Requirement

The minimum karma requirements are in place because some people create new accounts in order to circumvent a ban, shill their product or upvote their own posts. If you participate anywhere else on Reddit you should have no problem getting the necessary karma points in a very short time, proving that your account is legitimate and enabling you to post here. We’re sorry for the hassle, but certain people made steps like this necessary. Here is some more information on the topic.

User Flair

You can use user flair to indicate which Tesla model you own, with some restrictions.

  • ‘M’ is for Moderators only.
  • You can only create real vehicles/badges.
  • Keep your flair short and simple to ensure a common, clean look.
  • Your flair must be related to your Tesla vehicle.
  • Use of the Reddit award flairs (gold, etc.) or unauthorized use of ‘M’ may lead to shaming, a warning and eventually a ban.

Please try to keep this feature fun and useful so we don’t have to remove it over a few bad actors.

Questions, Problems or Concerns?

We do use AutoMod to manage certain aspects of the moderation queue. It’s accurate about as often as Tesla Autopilot is. It works very well but occasionally changes have unintended consequences.

We are not perfect, but try to make everyone happy (as hard as that always will be). Moderators do reserve the right to remove users who are a nuisance to the Moderator Team or others for instigation, trolling, or those who seem to have ulterior motives. This is your reminder to be genuine.

Please read more About our sub and Moderation methods.

Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding as our sub continues to grow and please Message the Moderators if you have suggestions, ideas, critiques, or issues you discover.

Last revised by 

 – 14 days ago

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